Helping Players Tell Their Stories

Howdy! I’m Luc, and I’m a game designer and writer. In August 2024, I will finish a four-year journey at DigiPen Institute of Technology, where I study game design with a focus on narrative and user experience design.

I believe that games are special because of the stories we create while playing them. That’s why I’m here: to give players their grand call to adventure and put together their supporting cast.

Some of the games that sparked my interest in designing stories for players are The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Oxenfree, and Outer Wilds. I’m also an avid game master for tabletop roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons and Delta Green. When I’m not making or playing games, I hike, read comics, assemble big displays of GI Joe figures, and volunteer at my local Scout camp.

Want to talk games and stories? You can get in touch with me via LinkedIn or send me an email.

Check out some of the stories I’ve helped tell on my Projects page, or below: